bank of new york mellon

Pipeline suggests another busy year for Chinese IPOs in the US

Bank of New York Mellon's head of Asia-Pacific DRs says the bank is in talks with some 15 US listing candidates. He also expects innovative Asian products like HDRs, IDRs and Singapore's GlobalQuote board to develop further this year.
February 07, 2011

Roath becomes head of Asia-Pacific DRs at BNY Mellon

Gregory Roath replaces Chris Kearns who has relocated to New York to focus on global business strategy and product development and to take up a position as deputy CEO of BNY Mellon's DR business.
May 10, 2010

Treasurers still wary of financial system

BNY Mellon's treasury services chief executive, Eric Kamback, says treasurers still lack confidence in the interest rate environment and the equity markets.
September 14, 2009

BNY Mellon to expand HK presence with 50 new hires

Asia-Pacific chairman Chris Sturdy says BNY Mellon aims to capture opportunities created by concerns over counterparty risk and increased demand for services within its core business areas.
September 01, 2009